# Week 2 - Cognitive Computing ![A decent summary of Week 2's content](https://i.imgur.com/vBJjrAi.png) - [[Adaptive resonance theory]] - [[Four stages of human cognition]] - [[How to get started with Cognitive Technology]] - [[Adoption starts with education]] - [[IBM's cognitive advantage global market report]] - [[The Three patterns of AI technology usage]] - [[Adoption starts with education]] - [[Best practice - AI lessons from early adopters]] - [[Build, deploy or collaborate]] - [[Checklist for AI Adoption]] - [[Four main categories of AI implementation]] - [[Four stages of human cognition]] - [[Functional Patterns]] - [[Goal-based Patterns]] - [[k-means clustering]] - [[Technology Patterns]] - [[Project Debater - Understanding each other through AI]] - [[Quote the numbers - benefits of AI adoption]] - [[Woodside - AI causes growth in jobs]] - [[Machine Learning]] - [[Supervised Learning]] - [[Regression - supervised learning]] - [[Classification - supervised learning]] - [[Reinforcement - supervised learning]] - [[Unsupervised Learning]] - [[Training your model]] - [[Three ways to evaluate models]] - [[Deep Learning]] - [[Neural Networks]] - [[Back-propagation]] - [[Perceptrons]] - [[Bias]] - [[Artificial Intelligence/Introduction to AI/Week 2 - Introduction/Activation function]] - [[CNNS - Convolutional neural networks]] - [[RNNS - Recurrent neural networks]] - [[Artificial Intelligence/Introduction to AI/Week 2 - Introduction/Natural Language Processing]] - [[Modern Approaches in NLP]] - [[Recurrent Neural Networks in NLP]] - [[Reinforcement Learning in NLP]] - [[Deep Learning in NLP]] - [[Long short-term memory - LSTM]] - [[Gated Recurrent Unit]] - [[Artificial Intelligence/Introduction to AI/Week 2 - Introduction/Activation function|Activation Function]] See the [[AI Glossary]] for clarification on topics. Go back to [[Main AI Page]] Also see: - [[Week 1 - Introduction]] - [[Week 3 - Introduction]] - [[Week 4 - Introduction]]